Whoosh - Ultimate Melee Weapon and Combat Swing Sounds
  • Whoosh - Ultimate Melee Weapon and Combat Swing Sounds

Whoosh - Ultimate Melee Weapon and Combat Swing Sounds

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Our Whoosh pack is perfect for adding dynamic sounds to your game, especially for melee weapon swings. These versatile whoosh sound effects can be used for kicks, punches, object throws, and more. We've included a diverse selection of weapon swings from our renowned Savage Steel pack. There are several variations of each whoosh type s that you

Our Whoosh pack is perfect for adding dynamic sounds to your game, especially for melee weapon swings. These versatile whoosh sound effects can be used for kicks, punches, object throws, and more. We've included a diverse selection of weapon swings from our renowned Savage Steel pack. There are several variations of each whoosh type s that you could randomly rotate them for best results in realism.

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Thank you,

Cyberwave Orchestra


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