The Ultimate Magic Spells Sound Effects Pack
  • The Ultimate Magic Spells Sound Effects Pack

The Ultimate Magic Spells Sound Effects Pack

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Once again by listening to suggestions from you, the developers, the following format was decided as the most beneficial for each spell: Cast, Shoot, Loop, Target Hit. We also included a lot of Buffs, some De-Buffs, and a few Spawn sounds. The beauty of this pack is that you can even mix the elements from different spell types to create your own.

Once again by listening to suggestions from you, the developers, the following format was decided as the most beneficial for each spell: Cast, Shoot, Loop, Target Hit. We also included a lot of Buffs, some De-Buffs, and a few Spawn sounds. The beauty of this pack is that you can even mix the elements from different spell types to create your own. There is no right or wrong in a fantasy world! If you read a bit more below, I'll provide some good tips to make the most of this pack.

Number of Audio Files: 408

Format: 16-bit, 44.1 kHz Stereo Wav

Do Sound FX loop: Yes

Minutes of audio provided: 34:15 min

Supported Development Platforms: All

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