Retro Weapons and Explosions Sounds
  • Retro Weapons and Explosions Sounds

Retro Weapons and Explosions Sounds

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Merging modern sound quality with 16-bit and 8-bit pixel art inspiration, it's a dynamic collection featuring guns, bombs, lasers, assault rifles, shotgun sounds, and more. This sound effects pack covers both standard and sci-fi weapon sounds. Immerse players in a nostalgic symphony of explosive sounds for an authentic retro shooter game

Merging modern sound quality with 16-bit and 8-bit pixel art inspiration, it's a dynamic collection featuring guns, bombs, lasers, assault rifles, shotgun sounds, and more. This sound effects pack covers both standard and sci-fi weapon sounds. Immerse players in a nostalgic symphony of explosive sounds for an authentic retro shooter game experience.

Number of Audio Files: 100

Sample rate/bit rate: 16bit 44.100 Wav.

Does music loop: Some SFX are loopable

Minutes of audio provided: 03:14

Supported Development Platforms: All

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