Hints Stars Points & Rewards
  • Hints Stars Points & Rewards

Hints Stars Points & Rewards

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With 102 files included, you're going to cover a lot of ground for any type of video game possible! These sounds are focused on positive events such as rewards, points, loot, checkpoint, victory, and level-up. We've also included more than a few of those mysterious sounds that would fit perfectly with hints, discoveries, hidden places, clues, etc.

With 102 files included, you're going to cover a lot of ground for any type of video game possible! These sounds are focused on positive events such as rewards, points, loot, checkpoint, victory, and level-up. We've also included more than a few of those mysterious sounds that would fit perfectly with hints, discoveries, hidden places, clues, etc.

Number of Audio Waves: 102

Number of Audio Cues: 102

Sample rate / bit rate: 16bit 44.1 kHz wav

Do Sound FX loop: No

Minutes of audio provided: 03 min 59 sec

Mastered from -3 to -5 dB on average, clean and high quality.

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